Saturday, 10 December 2016

Google AdSense: How To Make Money With Your Blog!

Google Adsense is something you’ve probably heard can make you a lot of money, but how do you make it work for YOUR blog?
In our modern economy, finding more ways to make money is important. In fact, being able to increase your earnings on your own is one of the most important aspects to surviving such treacherous economic times. Knowing how to generate Google AdSense revenue is one way that you can boost your bottom line every month.
While Google AdSense was initially designed with website and blog publishers in mind, anyone who creates and maintains their own blog or website can take advantage of the incredible opportunity. Whether you have a full-time job and are building a web presence for yourself in your free time or run a web design business, for example, you can generate a great deal of revenue using this tool, if you know how to use it to your advantage.
By allowing advertisements on your blogs, you create a static revenue stream. It’s basically that simple, yet there are important considerations to be made.

The Advertising Effect

Traffic coming to your blog, regardless of how they found it, is going to judge you and your business based on many factors. The design, layout, and navigation of the blog is one factor. Another factor has to deal with any advertisements that you post on the site.
If you visit some of the larger media outlets in the world, such as CNN, you have probably seen plenty of advertisements throughout their sites. When an ad is front and center, though, it takes away from the purpose of the blog itself and can drive visitors away.
You’re not CNN, so any new visitor to your site will be important. Some blog owners don’t understand the basic concept that consumers can and often are turned off by too many ads on a site or ads that overtake the blog itself. Ads need to be secondary to the content of the blog.
It serves no purpose to you or your business to have ads that grab more attention than your blog design or content. You haven’t worked hard on internet marketing and done all the legwork to bring visitors to your site only to have them click on an ad and leave your site, never to return again. You want them to focus first and foremost on your site, and then take a look at the ads you post.

Building A Quality Blog

You may not consider the design factor of your blog to be all that important, at least not when it pertains to ads, but it is crucial to success. The design of your blog should always be directed toward keeping visitors on your site. There are three main areas to which you should focus your design efforts.
The first is where a visitor looks as soon as the page loads on their web browser. Most people look to the upper left corner of the screen. This is where your business name and/or logo should be. Placing an ad here is tantamount to saying, ‘Thanks for stopping by, but why don’t you check this other business’s website out instead.’
Next, the eyes will travel toward the upper center of the screen. You’ll find that most websites tend to place their mission statement or slogan here. This is where you tell your visitor why this website is exactly what they’re looking for.
This is also where navigation tends to originate, and for good reason. You want your visitors to be able to find their way around relatively easily; you don’t want them to struggle to find the other pages of your site. Having an ad within this zone may work, but if it gets in the way of your message, or the navigation, then it’s being counterproductive.
Then a visitor’s eyes tend to drift down the page. Many visitors won’t scroll down unless they really like the content. Placing ads below the bottom of the viewable area will often mean that your visitors never even see it.
The best placement for ads will be to the right and bottom of the screen. That way your website and your message still remain the focus of attention. Then, if an ad captures attention, then when someone clicks on the link, you earn money.

Keywords And Google AdSense

When it comes to Google AdSense, you will be building your campaign around your website. While you don’t want to have ads for your direct competition on your site, you want to keep within the same genre. In other words, if you sell auto parts, advertising for used car dealers would be a good fit.
If you choose the represent keywords or keyword phrases that have nothing to do with your website, then visitors to your site are not likely to follow those ad links and you’ll be wasting valuable space. It’s a balancing act to choose the right keywords to represent. But when you get it right, you will be earning revenue every single month.

The More Traffic You Get, The More Money You Will Earn

Google AdSense revenue will not happen by simply being static with your website. Just because you build a website, have a web hosting company maintain it, or take care of some of the other aspects of launching it does not mean that anyone will come to your website. If they don’t come to your website, then they will not see the ads that you have posted on it and therefore you won’t be earning any extra money.
It’s important to keep in mind that you can have up to 3 ads on your site at any given time. Some people would want more in order to maximize the potential earnings, but more than 3 and visitors will begin to navigate away from your site before they even have a chance to see what you offer. You don’t need to post 3, either; you can post 1 or 2 ads if that’s your preference.
You still need to employ all of the same marketing strategies for your website that you would normally do. Google AdSense revenue is all about earning money from visitors who might be interested in other topics than what they searched for. If you bring in visitors who realize they should have entered something else into your search, they can certainly go back to the search engine or they can follow an ad from your site to something more in line with their needs.

Evaluate Your Strategy Monthly

When you are looking to generate Google AdSense revenue, there will be a balance between targeting the right keywords to supplement your website and avoiding giving your business away to your competitors. Determine whether you’re targeting the right keywords every month and make changes accordingly. It’s much better to make changes quickly rather than wait and lose out on all that potential revenue.

Source :

How To Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs

So, you want to make money online from the comfort of your home, and you’ve heard of affiliate programs. But what does it all mean? If you don’t already have your own blog, you’ll need to learn how to start a blog and if you do, then you’re in luck. Because basically all you’re going to do is use your blog to sell other people’s stuff.
So where did affiliate marketing come from? Back in the pioneer days of the online commerce – also known as the mid 90’s – Amazon came up with a program where they paid people to refer clients to them.
For example, if you went to a blog and clicked on the Amazon link and bought something, the owners of said blog got paid a commission. Today, there are tons of affiliate programs out there for everything under the sun, no matter what your niche is. Companies will happily split the profit with you for referring customers to them.
Affiliate marketing is a win-win situation and a great way to make money online. They have the products and you have the audience that might be interested in what they offer. They’re basically giving you a cut of their profit that otherwise would have gone to advertisement. A lot of them have back end products as well, so you’re likely to get a high commission percentage of sales.
Choosing The Right Affiliate Program For You
So you’ve built up your blog, email list, and gained an audience. Now you need to decide which way you want to go in terms of monetization. There are many different types of affiliate programs that can help you make money online.
Google AdSense
Google AdSense is a popular option because it’s an easy program to apply for and it is simple to set up on your blog. All you need to do is apply for the AdSense program, then insert a snippet of code into your blog. Google will then display contextual ads, or ads that are related to your blog’s niche. They usually have decent click through rates. This is an amazing way to earn completely passive income!
However, the bar for getting paid is lower – it’s based on every click instead of a sale. Just don’t violate the program’s terms and start clicking on your own ads. That will get you banned from Google! You may think you won’t get caught, but Google has some very sophisticated programs and smart people with degrees in statistics checking for potential fraud.
Or perhaps you want to sign up some other affiliate network? They basically match merchants with affiliates. Instead of getting paid from like 100 different merchants, you get the money consistently and timely from just one source.
ClickBank connects digital product owners with website owners. We strongly recommend them over traditional affiliate networks Commission Junction, LinkShare, Google Affiliate Network and Share Sale which typically cater to traditional physical products that they’d then have to ship.
Digital products tend to result in faster transaction, thus resulting in more commissions and less potential headaches.  Physical products are often hinder by logistics that are beyond your control.  Web hosting companies and online software companies also enjoy the benefit of instant gratification on the part of the user.
Individual Affiliate Programs
Finally, you can also sign up to individual affiliate programs which often pays more than the networks, but the downside is that it might take longer to get paid. You’d have to be a lot more organized to track each merchant, and the corresponding logins and passwords.
Do your homework and pick the partner that’s right for you and who will help you make money online and meet your goals. Don’t just signup every affiliate program in sight. The product owners should be hooking your followers up with products or services they are actually interested in.
To avoid seeming “spammy,” make sure the products are related to your niche. Stay on topic. It has to fit in with your branding – or you’ll lose customers. You don’t want to have ads for sports cars on your dog food blog!
Promote, Promote, Promote
The more people you send to your partner products, the more you can make money online. It’s simply the law of probabilities. Use links, banners, directory listings and written article product reviews to promote your affiliate partnership.
If you don’t feel comfortable promoting your partners then you’ve picked the wrong partners. We never promote a product or service that we cannot truly recommend it to our friends and families! Basically, only promote products that you believe in. Otherwise, you’re going to feel bad and not really able to sell them well. Who needs the guilt when there are so many options out there?
Monitor Your Blog
When you start your own blog, you need to optimize it and constantly improve your numbers. We watch the whole sales funnel very closely from the impressions to clicks, and finally conversions. Make sure you’re getting good conversions from clicks to sales – you don’t want to promote a product that doesn’t convert. If your affiliate partner isn’t working out for you, find a new one! That’s why we like to have a few partners in each sub-niche of our site, then work closely with them to improve their sales funnels, because the more money they make, the more you will make. But if any of them doesn’t work out, it’s no big deal.
Your affiliate partner should provide you with accurate metrics. That’s the other thing we love about ClickBank which has all the detailed stats.
When you find something that works, try to make it work better. As an affiliate you can ask the merchant for higher commission percentages, money on back end sales, custom promotions, even white labeling their product. That’s where you re-brand it and sell it as your own.
In the age of uncertain economy and massive corporate layoffs, many people are looking for alternatives to support themselves and their families. Making money with affiliate marketing might just be that flexible option to help you make a few extra dollar, build a passive income, and perhaps even one day become financially independent! So take those steps.
Learn how to start a blog, then build an audience of dedicated readers, and join some affiliate programs. Remember to be creative and never be satisfied!

Source :

Adsense Bug


Lately, more precise internet marketing Indonesia its local publisher with adsense registration bugs are fairly simple. It could even be said very easily and quickly approve. This time I will share how to create an account bug Adsense with ease, in the presence of bugs in this system we can make adsense as much as possible during the bug was still active, maybe you see how many people who sell this trick either facebook group or a group premium (forum member), this is actually a free trick before a lot of people who peddle copies should I share so that you can feel it. Many say that the bug can not account Pay Out? could have, if not the possibility of it because you are using blackhat tricks or blogs have adsense fitted with new, direct Okay just to trick which I will share below. Perhaps you know a lot of the June Bug-July-August is the same Adsense bug June and July only added a little concoction of July in google karna already know that trick, But do not worry I'll go here how. Let us begin steps Adsense list Bug september - October-November:

1. First Steps Please prepare a new gmail unused for registration or adsense blogger. 2. Step Two Please create a new blog either on Blogger or Wordpress Self Hosting 3. Third Step Register domain TLD, can use a paid domain or directly from for free 4. Step Four After you create a new blog and domain registration, please you replace your blog domain with a TLD that is already registered. it will be like this 5. Fifth Step After you create a blog with TLD domain, please create an article or post at least 3 pieces of the article, please search on other blogs and rewrite by you.
6. Langkah Keenam Setelah kalian buat artikel sebanyak 3 artikel, langkah selanjutnya kalian daftarkan ke Adword. Silahkan menuju link 7. Langkah Ketujuh Silahkan kalian klik Start Now, lalu daftarkan dengan link blog domain yang telah kalian buat tadi. Silahkan selesaikan pendaftaran adwordsnya. pada opsi pembayaran pilih manual lalu fund transfer. Lalu pilih Save & Continue. 8. Langkah Kedelapan Setelah kalian mendaftarkan adwords, silahkan kalian tunggu selama 20 menit. WAJIB! 9. Langkah Kesembilan Setelah melakukan pendaftaran adwords dan menunggu selama 20 menit, sekarang saatnya kalian daftarkan ke Google Adsense. Silahkan buka Saat pengisian formulir pendaftaran adsense selesai, kalian tentunya akan diminta verifikasi nomor, setelah verifikasi nomor maka akan muncul pop up tos Google Adsense Ketika popup muncul, jangan dulu klik Accept, kalian tunggu selama 5 menit. setelah 5 menit lalu kalian klik accept. 10. Langkah Kesepuluh Setelah kalian daftar adsensenya, silahkan kalian tunggu selama 3-4 jam. WAJIB!

11. Step Eleven

After you wait for 3-4 hours after registration adsense, now you're not Google Admob

Okay, already registering admobnya? Now we wait longer time for 4-6 hours, or until getting a disapproval email from Google. MANDATORY!
During this wait we do not open adsensenya first, let it alone.

12. Twelfth Step

Once you get a rejection email, now you resubmit the blog times, BUT REMEMBER: Do not open from we immediately go in

13. Step Thirteen

Okay, after you resubmit, now is the time you go to Youtube, at this step should be careful because if there is an error, most likely a bug Google Adsense we will not succeed.

14. Step Fourteen

Once you go to Youtube, leaving you to monetize.

15. Step Fifteen

Already you monetize? now is the time to the next step, which links to Adsense.

16. Sixteenth Step

Once you linkin to Adsense, then click adsense settings

Step 17. Seventeenth

After you click the adsense settings, it will be transferred to Google Adsense, here you do not clicks the link on the dashboard. once again NO!

18.Langkah Kedelapanbelaa

Once you enter inside the dashboard adsense, you just click the My Ad, Create New - Get Code

19. Step nineteenth

Okay, I'm done in steps to 19? If you are finished do not click anything, it's straight back to the Dashboard / Home. And see what happens :)

Welcome Adsense will appear after you create a new ad unit. and congratulations to you guys that have been successful registration bug oktober adsense - adsense bug november.

Thus Registration Tutorial Google Adsense Non Hosted Bug Indonesia. May be useful :)