Lately, more precise internet marketing Indonesia its local publisher with adsense registration bugs are fairly simple. It could even be said very easily and quickly approve. This time I will share how to create an account bug Adsense with ease, in the presence of bugs in this system we can make adsense as much as possible during the bug was still active, maybe you see how many people who sell this trick either facebook group or a group premium (forum member), this is actually a free trick before a lot of people who peddle copies should I share so that you can feel it. Many say that the bug can not account Pay Out? could have, if not the possibility of it because you are using blackhat tricks or blogs have adsense fitted with new, direct Okay just to trick which I will share below. Perhaps you know a lot of the June Bug-July-August is the same Adsense bug June and July only added a little concoction of July in google karna already know that trick, But do not worry I'll go here how. Let us begin steps Adsense list Bug september - October-November:
1. First Steps Please prepare a new gmail unused for registration or adsense blogger. 2. Step Two Please create a new blog either on Blogger or Wordpress Self Hosting 3. Third Step Register domain TLD, can use a paid domain or directly from for free 4. Step Four After you create a new blog and domain registration, please you replace your blog domain with a TLD that is already registered. it will be like this 5. Fifth Step After you create a blog with TLD domain, please create an article or post at least 3 pieces of the article, please search on other blogs and rewrite by you.
6. Langkah Keenam Setelah kalian buat artikel sebanyak 3 artikel, langkah selanjutnya kalian daftarkan ke Adword. Silahkan menuju link 7. Langkah Ketujuh Silahkan kalian klik Start Now, lalu daftarkan dengan link blog domain yang telah kalian buat tadi. Silahkan selesaikan pendaftaran adwordsnya. pada opsi pembayaran pilih manual lalu fund transfer. Lalu pilih Save & Continue. 8. Langkah Kedelapan Setelah kalian mendaftarkan adwords, silahkan kalian tunggu selama 20 menit. WAJIB! 9. Langkah Kesembilan Setelah melakukan pendaftaran adwords dan menunggu selama 20 menit, sekarang saatnya kalian daftarkan ke Google Adsense. Silahkan buka Saat pengisian formulir pendaftaran adsense selesai, kalian tentunya akan diminta verifikasi nomor, setelah verifikasi nomor maka akan muncul pop up tos Google Adsense Ketika popup muncul, jangan dulu klik Accept, kalian tunggu selama 5 menit. setelah 5 menit lalu kalian klik accept. 10. Langkah Kesepuluh Setelah kalian daftar adsensenya, silahkan kalian tunggu selama 3-4 jam. WAJIB!
11. Step Eleven
After you wait for 3-4 hours after registration adsense, now you're not Google Admob
Okay, already registering admobnya? Now we wait longer time for 4-6 hours, or until getting a disapproval email from Google. MANDATORY!
During this wait we do not open adsensenya first, let it alone.
12. Twelfth Step
Once you get a rejection email, now you resubmit the blog times, BUT REMEMBER: Do not open from we immediately go in
13. Step Thirteen
Okay, after you resubmit, now is the time you go to Youtube, at this step should be careful because if there is an error, most likely a bug Google Adsense we will not succeed.
14. Step Fourteen
Once you go to Youtube, leaving you to monetize.
15. Step Fifteen
Already you monetize? now is the time to the next step, which links to Adsense.
16. Sixteenth Step
Once you linkin to Adsense, then click adsense settings
Step 17. Seventeenth
After you click the adsense settings, it will be transferred to Google Adsense, here you do not clicks the link on the dashboard. once again NO!
18.Langkah Kedelapanbelaa
Once you enter inside the dashboard adsense, you just click the My Ad, Create New - Get Code
19. Step nineteenth
Okay, I'm done in steps to 19? If you are finished do not click anything, it's straight back to the Dashboard / Home. And see what happens :)
Welcome Adsense will appear after you create a new ad unit. and congratulations to you guys that have been successful registration bug oktober adsense - adsense bug november.
Thus Registration Tutorial Google Adsense Non Hosted Bug Indonesia. May be useful :)
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